British Values
Core Subjects
Foundation Subjects
Phonics and Reading Schemes
PE and Sport
Tolworth Personal Development and Metacognition
At Tolworth School our children are at the heart of everything we do. We plan and deliver a rich and creative curriculum that promotes a love of learning and a willingness to explore and challenge children’s thinking. We use the National Curriculum as a starting point for our curriculum, which we personalise to meet the needs of the children who attend Tolworth.
Our curriculum makes meaningful links across the curriculum, which enables our children to deepen and master knowledge and skills across multiple subjects. Each subject is planned so that there is a coherent sequence to the learning of knowledge, skills and vocabulary so children can recall the detailed content outlined in the curriculum and make links between the learning. We have designed a curriculum that promotes discussion, questioning and collaboration. We encourage the children to explore and challenge their thinking, whilst embedding a sense of respect for ourselves and others, as well as, a sense of wonder at the world we live in.
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum that focuses on the development of the whole child. Our curriculum is inclusive and our focus on quality first teaching and executive function skills, ensures it is accessible to all learners.
Our curriculum is designed to develop a curiosity and a love for learning, to foster and develop imagination, investigation and independence. This ethos is woven into everything we do with our children, through well-structured lessons and learning experiences, which lead to confident, lifelong, independent learners, well prepared for and the changing pace and challenges of modern life.
'Happy Children, Successful Learners'
A copy of the National Curriculum can be found here.
Please click here for further details.
To view the whole school Curriculum click here.