Pupil Premium / Recovery Premium


The Department for Education allocates the Pupil Premium Grant (and Recovery Premium) to schools. Pupils eligible for this grant are those who, currently claim or have claimed Free School Meals in the last six years, or who are looked after children.  

Aims of Funding   


The aim of the funding is to remove barriers to learning, which may affect children who fall under the pupil premium category. With these barriers removed, the gap in attainment between pupil premium children and their peers should close. The reasons for under achievement can be many and varied and each child entitled to the pupil premium grant is unique in their situation. Our responses to their need must reflect this and support will be personalised to ensure each child reaches their full potential.

The pupil premium strategy statement outlines the most current activities being carried out by the school. Each year, activities are reviewed and successful strategies are embedded in the schools practice. Therefore the strategy statement it is not an exhaustive list of all our provision for disadvantaged pupils.  


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024/2025        

Pupil Premium 2019/2020
Pupil Premium 2020/2021
Pupil Premium 2021/2022
Pupil Premium 2022/2023
Pupil Premium 2023/2024